Wednesday, January 16, 2008

1520 Sedgwick Ave

We see it in our own city. Land developers taking over East Dallas and areas where before, money wouldn't dare tred upon. But in New York they are walking a thin line. 1520 Sedgwick Ave, the housing projects where in Hip Hop was conceived in 73, is on the verge of being bought and converted to market rate housing. (Meaning kicking the poor out and bringing the yuppies in. No offense to any yuppies.) Get your history HERE and donate whatever you can to help preserve the place where young artists with no blueprints created what is now known as the art of Hip Hop. You can make a contribution on the site with Pay Pal to help raise funds to keep it as is. When I heard about this I felt I should spread the word. I'm broke myself, but a dollar can go a long way.

Check the NBC news story


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